Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Blind Date Gone Missing?

So I had a blind date in a big group on Friday night. We went up to a canyon nearby to watch a movie in the desert and eat tinfoil dinners. We arrived and had some problems with permits and the rangers issued some warnings. I was standing talking with my sister, her husband, and our friend and the next thing I know my date was driving off. Not a word to me about where he was going. I heard from someone that he was taking some people to their site, one of the guys was on crutches. Almost two hours later, he still hadn't come back so I decided to go home with my sister. I found out later that he had taken so long because he was pulling up a tree for fire wood. The hostess mentioned she had called him, and he said, "Yeah, I saw that you had called, but I was busy with the tree." What? He was stopped by the rangers and had to show them where he got the tree. What a night...


Lewyville said...

What a jerk!

BYU Lewis said...

Like Tyler said, at least he was helping someone...I'm not mad at him. I just think it was funny! If I had been more interested I think I would have been more upset.

kourtney said...

Hey Courtney. It's Kourtney. Have I mentioned that I like your name. So good to find you. Sorry about the blind date. I swear some guys think so differently, even though we all had the same maker. Oh well, what can you do? Anyway, you can check me out at http://wearedalicious.blogspot.com

Alexis said...

guys are retarded. I so feel your pain. :)

BYU Lewis said...

Hey Alexis,

I tried to read your blog, but I'm not invited:( Would you mind sending me an invite?



PS I agree with you 100%

Alexis said...

what is your email?

BYU Lewis said...


Aimee said...

What a classic story! Honestly, what was this guy thinking?! I'm definitely not a fan of his dating etiquette, but that story has just become infamous. I hope you get a lot of mileage out of it! Just so you know, the next time I see you, I'm going to make you tell me the story again, in person. :)

BYU Lewis said...

I can't wait to tell it to you...I got more information about it.