My niece has been reading "Flat Stanley" in her 2nd grade class and she sent him to me to learn about Arizona. I took him to Chase Field where the Arizona Diamondbacks play baseball. I took him to school with me so he could see what junior high school was like. On Monday, I took him to a botanical garden about 40 miles away. It was nice to get out of the valley and near some "mountains". It was a really beautiful day, not too hot and not too cold, a little cloudy. I loved being able to walk around and enjoy nature. I will have to go back to when the cacti are in bloom. One of my goals for this year is to see more of Arizona and go hiking more.
I signed my contract for my new place today, and I am going to start moving in tomorrow! I am excited for this new adventure. I am excited for my goals this year. I have applied to graduate school to get a Master's Degree in Educational Technology. I figure I use technology all the time in my teaching I might as well get paid more for it! All of the classes are online so I don't have to go to classes and I can go at my own pace. I can't wait to get back into school and learn new techniques to improve my teaching. I was surprised by how easy it has been to apply, and the best part of the process is that I don't have to take the GRE!! I should be finished with my degree by December 2010. We'll see what happens this coming year!
I am watching Glenn Beck right now, and he is talking to Jonah Goldberg about his book "Liberal Fascism". It sounds like an interesting book, I may just have to read it.